TKG draws from our collection of qualified individuals to provide your project with a project team that has the skills, knowledge, and relevant experience to successfully manage your clinical trial project. In this endeavor, we provide the resources for the services required in clinical research support and development in these respective areas:
Our experienced study team will provide more efficient study execution, including the ability to predict and overcome complex study issues in an expeditious manner.
A very important and crucial part of a research project is data abstraction, management, protection and security activities. With the advancement of technology, comes the need for continuous support for secure database environments and ensuring data integrity. With our dedicated and knowledgeable team, TKG can resolve your digital challenges in the following areas:
Research Database Development and Management
Research Data abstraction and reporting
Business Process Automation
Analytics and Data Support
Evaluating Cloud-based Solutions
Vendor Management Contract Support
Technical Requirements Building
It is well known that most frequently cited areas of noncompliance issued to Investigators, Sponsors, CROs by the IRB, FDA , and other regulatory oversight bodies are those that are most easily addressed with focused training/orientation programs. Research support staff that are well trained/oriented on trial-related activities, regulatory requirements and study documentations are in the best position to determine whether all elements of the clinical research project and its infrastructure are operating in accordance with the tenets of good clinical practice (GCP) and applicable regulatory requirement(s).
The Kwality Group, LLC is happy to offer our expertise in the training and education of research support staff. Our tried and true system is based on over 30 years of cumulative experience shared between our trainers. We pride ourselves on setting up our clients for success in the conduct of clinical research projects and our approach delivers efficient, measurable results that ensure compliance and cost-effective solutions. We provide training and education in the following areas:
Research Conduct Training and Education (Orientation program)
Clinical Research Database applications
Program Management, Training & Transition Management
At some point, if you may find yourself in a situation where there is a gap in support services that is impacting your research project. Perhaps, your support staff is on extended leave or you are between staff leaving and hiring a new person or you have a staff on extended leave. Your research project should not have to suffer. We are here for you.TKG also has the capability to provide staffing in the following areas:
Short-term Research support staffing
Independent Mental Health Consults and Services